Project Description

3D Streetpainting «We are not three»

Title: «We are not three» (No somos tres)

Style: 3D Streetpainting, 3D Street Art, Ephimeral Art, Anamorphic, 3D Art

Size: 3 x 5 m

Tecnique: Chalk and tempera on floor

Artist: Adry del Rocio

Client: Arbor Lakes Chalkfest

Place: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Date: June 9th & 10th, 2018

3D Streetpainting «We are not three» (No somos tres) created by chalk artist Adry del Rocio at the Arbor Lakes Chalkfest, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

I dedicate this work to the memory of all Mexicans who have disappeared and are deprived of life. We do not forget them.
I hope for a better Mexico.


Dedico esta obra a la memoria de todos los mexicanos desaparecidos y privados de la vida. No los olvidamos.
Tengo la esperanza de un México mejor.